Welcome! We are very happy that you decided to rush this semester.
We look forward to meeting you and serving with you!
You are encouraged to begin attending rush events right away,
but in order to officially register for rush, you must complete
and submit the form below by Saturday, March 30th at 11:59 p.m.
*If something isn't quite right with your info form (usually uploading too big a picture) we will not receive any portion of your info form. Make sure that an error page doesn't appear when you submit the form. If it does, press the back button and your answers should be preserved so you can try uploading a smaller picture (Facebook photos work well).
If you encounter any difficulties with submitting your
info sheet, please contact the APO Theta webmaster at uva.apo.webmaster@gmail.com.
Click here to return to APO Theta's rush page.